segunda-feira, 25 de dezembro de 2017

Local Businesses

Affiliate marketing and the promotion of local businesses. While both are excellent, failure to use Internet was a big mistake. In fact, I think not using Internet  has cost me at least hundreds of thousands of dollars and maybe millions of dollars.

If I had used internet on these sites, I would have published all kinds of content and probably would have been less aggressive with link building and focused on building popular local businesses and large niche sites (which I do now).

Because when I focused on affiliate marketing, I went after quite competitive keywords that had the buyer's intent local businesses. I've posted massive sites that only posted buyer intent content with affiliate links.

Because these keywords were reasonably competitive, I built old-school links that ultimately ended up receiving Google Penguin penalties.

Internet  revenue

Please note that some of these revenues were generated from paid traffic, so not everything is profit.

You can also read my income reports covering 2 niche sites, one of which is monetized with image web.

Why have not I used Internet  before?

I did not use Internet  because I heard the wrong people. I listened to people who only posted "how to make money" blogs that strongly suggested Internet  was a waste of time.
The problem with this advice is that it's true that Internet does bad on "making money" sites, at least compared to affiliate promotions and the sale of digital products. Of course, they would say that Internet  is bad.

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